FORCE Bangalore correspondent Atul Chandra was invited by CVRDE to visit the Arjun tank facility at Avadi. Here is his report.
The process of obtaining replacement
spares is time consuming, since there are a number of agencies involved. Limited
production numbers further exacerbate the problem. Director Sivakumar told FORCE
that steps were being taken to tackle this problem and “unlike the Mk-1, where
orders for the tank and the Engineering Support Package (ESP) were handled
separately, in the Arjun Mk-2 this will be done simultaneously. That will
reduce the time taken for delivery of the required items”. According to him,
production has improved dramatically and an Israeli firm is now working on
computerization of the line.
Training Tools
Simulator Based Training on Arjun
Fists of Iron
Future Main Battle Tank
The quest to indigenously design and
develop a Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT) by the Defence Research and Development
Organization (DRDO), must be accorded the status of a national project, if it
is to succeed. The prize could be a minimum order of at least a thousand tanks,
to replace the Indian Army’s T-72 tanks, starting 2022.
‘At Present, the Army has Decided
to Induct 118 Arjun Mk-2 Tanks Instead of 124’
The Arjun Mk-1 with a total of 89
improvements decided upon with the Army, is called the Arjun Mk-2. These 89
improvements have been made not only keeping in mind the concerns and issues
faced on the Arjun Mk-1 tank but also to cater for future requirements of the
army. At present, the army has decided to induct 118 Arjun Mk-2 tanks instead
of 124. This is the result of a policy decision that will see the war reserve
for all armoured regiments in the future being reduced by three. And so, two regiments
of Arjun Mk-2 will be short of six reserve tanks. The indent for 118 tanks is
almost in the final stage.
What is
the cost of the programme till date?
Chennai: After
more than three decades of development, India ’s Arjun Main Battle Tank
(MBT) has literally emerged like a phoenix from the ashes, surprising even its
most sceptical observers. Last year, the Arjun outgunned the Indian army’s T-72
and T-90 MBT’s, when trials were conducted with the respective units putting up
their best tanks and personnel.
FORCE visited the Combat Vehicles
Research & Development Establishment (CVRDE) for an exclusive insight into
the programme. We learnt that while the Arjun Mk-2 is substantially improved
and more capable than the Arjun Mk-1; it is too heavy, limiting areas where it
can be deployed by the Army. And that renders it unsuitable for the army’s
operational requirements for a Main Battle Tank (MBT). According to P
Sivakumar, Director CVRDE, “the weight of the Arjun prevents it from being
deployed in all the areas required by the Army”.
Keeping this in mind, the Arjun
Mk-2’s improved performance seems to have put the Army in a spot. What does one
do with a tank that is fast, can shoot accurately on the move and is relatively
well protected but is too heavy to be deployed in the deserts near the Pakistan
border as a replacement for the T-72 or T-90? Paradoxically, while the tank
itself has demonstrated high speed and mobility, its weight precludes it from
being able to operate anywhere the army wants it to. The Arjun Mk-2 will weigh
around 67 tonnes and this fatally limits the tank’s operational effectiveness
for the Indian Army.
The tank is too heavy to be deployed
across the border with Pakistan .
It is unable to effectively traverse terrain filled with natural and/or artificial
obstacles. Or areas criss-crossed with rivers and canals. That rules out most
places in Rajasthan, Punjab and the mountainous
terrain of the J&K sector.
This has forced the army to identify
areas where the Arjun can safely be deployed and its operational units based.
This probably means the Arjun will not fight alongside the T-90s and T-72s. It will
certainly not be part of the Indian Army’s strike corps formations, as it could
get bogged down in unfamiliar terrain. This runs counter to the philosophy of armoured
formations, which are designed for mobile offensive operations deep inside
enemy territory. Unlike the T series tanks that have been airlifted to high
altitudes like Leh and even out of the country, the Arjun cannot be airlifted
by the IL-76 and C-130 J transports of the Indian Air Force (IAF). The C-17
Globemaster to be inducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF) has a maximum payload
of 75 tonnes — insufficient to airlift the 67 tonne Arjun Mk-2 with attendant
support equipment.
During this correspondent’s visit to
the CVRDE facility at Avadi in Tamil Nadu, it was evident that despite the best
efforts of its highly committed team of designers and scientists, the Arjun is
unlikely to ever be ordered in significant quantities by the Indian Army — which
fields close to 3,500 tanks in its Order of Battle (ORBAT). The total orders
for the Arjun as of today are 240 (124 Mk-1 and 116 Mk-2). For the Army,
ordering more tanks would result in it having to devote more resources — something
it seems loath to do.
As things stand presently, the first
Arjun Mk-2 will roll off the production line at Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF)
Avadi, two and a half years (30 months) after the order is placed. With the
orders likely to be finalized towards the end of the year, the first Mk-2 tank
will enter operational service in 2016. With HVF Avadi looking at a production
rate of 30 tanks a year, all 116 tanks will be delivered by 2020. If work on
the Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT) begins now in right earnest, then the first
tanks could be ready for operational service circa 2025. Until then, the army
would rather soldier on with its T-90 and upgraded T-72 tanks, which in any
case have the required infrastructure in terms of training, manufacture and overhaul.
The major improvement in the Arjun
Mk-2, is its missile firing capability from the gun barrel. This was
demonstrated in 2004, with Israel Aerospace Industries’ (IAI’s) Laser Homing Attack/Anti Tank Missile (LAHAT). But the tank did not have an
integrated Laser Target Tracker (LTT) at that point of time. That is now in the
final stages of inspection and is being demonstrated to the user. The army has
also asked for more types of ammunition on the Mk-2. This includes Thermobaric
rounds and Penetration cum Blast rounds that will be developed in India .
Thermobaric warheads create a sustained and intense pressure wave, which can be
used against bunkers and hardened targets, while causing minimum damage to the surrounding
areas. The army has also asked for two types of practice rounds, including
blank rounds for ceremonial purposes. These will also reduce wear and tear on
the barrel during training. In terms of protection, the Mk-2 will have full
frontal Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) and since commonality was desirable, it
will use the same structuring as the T-series. The Defence Research &
Development Organization (DRDO) is re-developing the explosive element, which
is currently Russian, with better protection capability. It is being developed
at the High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL). This will be used for
the Arjun, T-90 and T-72 tanks. Active Protection Systems (APS) that help evade
attack — both by confusing enemy sensors (soft-kill) or by physically destroying
incoming warheads (hard-kill) — will also be incorporated on the Mk-2.
The Israeli ‘Trophy’ system is being
considered for the Mk-2. There will also be a mine plough to deal with pressure
based mines, magnetic mines and tilt based mines. The driver’s seat on the Mk-2
is now suspended from the roof, compared to being fixed to the floor on the
Mk-1 — this provides better mine protection capability. With the Explosive
Reactive Armour (ERA) and mine plough together weighing 3 tonnes and additional
add-ons expected, the MK-2s weight is expected to increase from 62 tonne to 67
tonne. The suspension has been re-designed to handle 70 tonne. To cater to
complaints of track shedding, the revised tracks will have an increased horn
length (19 mm) and the wheels have become slightly bigger. The tracks are
imported from Germany
but the rest is indigenous. The engine will remain the same on the Mk-2. With
the original power pack on the Mk-1, the final drive catered to a top speed of
72 kmph. For the Mk-2, the final drive has been changed by increasing the
reduction ratio from 4.4 to 5.3 and the top speed is now reduced 58.5 kmph but
the torque and the force available at the contact between the track and the
road has increased which can cater for the increased weight. Despite the
increased weight, CVRDE claims that the acceleration is better than the Mk-1,
while fuel efficiency remains the same.
The Arjun Mk-2 programme also
suffered a severe setback with the unfortunate demise of senior scientist G K
Kumaravel a few months ago. Kumaravel died in a road accident, while at Pokhran
for trials of the Arjun Mk-2. He was heading the Arjun programme and slated to
take over as Director, CVRDE in the future. He had played a crucial role in the
developments and system integration of the Arjun MBT Mk II. The Arjun programme
will now be led by V Balamurugan. The biggest problem being faced by the Arjun
and a fate that is shared by almost all other indigenous programmes, is the
small numbers ordered — that precludes investment in the required production
and tooling. Sivakumar told FORCE that “Greater numbers are essential for
reducing the price, establishing the process, good quality control mechanisms
and continuous consistency in production”. This is also the reason he says that
orders are a must. The Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) has not been producing
Arjun MBT’s for two years and lot of the know-how is being lost.
While officials at CVRDE say the
Army has been happy with the performance of the Mk-1, FORCE learnt that
non-availability of spares is a continuing problem — the usage of spares was
greater than anticipated. There have been complaints of track shedding, though
CVRDE officials say that’s caused by inexperienced drivers who’re used to the
T-72 and T-90. The 120 mm tank gun has been proved on the Mk-1 series and today,
the Arjun barrel offers better life when compared to the T series of tanks.
There have been barrel issues on a few tanks and a committee is looking into
the matter, according to CVRDE officials.

Meanwhile, the Indian Army is
struggling to maintain its ageing fleet of T-72 MBT’s. While the T-72 was
acknowledged to be one of the finest Russian tank designs, the ageing tank
fleet is now increasingly difficult to maintain. Its small size and cramped
turret make it difficult to incorporate the latest technology — like fire
control systems, night vision and electronics. Unfortunately for the Army, the
T-90 has not proved to be as sterling a performer as its predecessor. A number
of glitches have come to the fore and production at HVF has been slow to take
off. Russia
has also refused to transfer technology related to metallurgy for T-90S gun
barrels and armour plates to the HVF.
Despite all that, the Arjun
outgunning the T-90 and T-72 in comparative trials, is akin to the Light Combat
Aircraft ‘Tejas’, defeating the F-16 in a dogfight! The units that took part in
the competition put up their best tanks and crew. The Arjun managed to fare
very well. Army sources have freely admitted to FORCE, that there is a mind
block with regard to the Arjun, by those who have operated the T series tanks.
But they also admit that the Arjun is appreciably more modern in comparison to the
T-72 & T-90, in many respects. For example, the Arjun can fire almost twice
the number of rounds the T series tanks can, from its main gun.
The Arjun Mk-2 in many ways is what
the Arjun Mk-1 should probably have been. Tragically, total orders for the
Arjun over the next decade are unlikely to exceed 400 to 500 units including
the 240 already ordered, plus other variants like the Armoured Repair and
Recovery Vehicle (ARRV), Catapult 130 mm Self Propelled Gun and SP-155 gun
chassis. The last refers to a tracked base that was to be mated with a Slovakian
gun, in collaboration with Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML). That proposal
has already run into rough weather. It remains to be seen if the army will
accept such indigenous offerings or prefer to go abroad for proven systems, which
can be inducted quickly and in meaningful numbers, to arrest the alarming
decline in its armoured and artillery capability.
What is however clear is that
continued production and development of the Arjun must be allowed to continue,
if critical design, development and production know-how is not to be frittered
away. It is also essential to keep the production line functional — through
manufacture, repair, overhaul and upgrades, till the Future Main Battle Tank
(FMBT) programme begins to gather steam. Keeping this in mind, it is likely
that the DRDO will be able to prevail on the army for a few more orders, to enable
low-rate production to continue. It is imperative that the DRDO and the Army move
faster on the FMBT programme, to ensure that it is ready in time to replace the
In all, the army’s armour profile
through 2015-2020 could comprise of approximately 1700 T-90S, 1800-2000
upgraded T-72M1s, and 250-500 Arjun’s. Surely, prospective orders for the FMBT,
which at the very least would be for 1000-1500 tanks, are incentive enough for
this to be taken up as a national project. This futuristic tank is unlikely to
cost less than Rs 50 crore a piece — the total orders would be worth Rs 50,000
to 75,000 crore.
Training Tools
Simulator Based Training on Arjun
The Arjun also features a state of the art
simulator facility for training of drivers and crew. Canada-based simulator
manufacturer CAE developed and delivered the initial suite of Arjun tank
training systems, to efficiently and cost-effectively train the driver, gunner
and commander in the Arjun tank. The Arjun tank training system offers: standalone
training for the driver and gunner; turret level training for the gunner and
commander; integrated tank level training for the gunner, commander and driver;
troop level training, by networking Arjun tank simulators to rehearse troop
tactics, movement and joint operations.
CAE’s Arjun tank training system
comprises a CAE Medallion-6000 visual system, with a detailed, realistic
external environment view of actual tank operations. It also has a sound
simulation system, which produces sounds heard during tank operations, synchronised
with the motion and visual cues in the training device. There’s a simulation
host system for software management and software sub-systems to simulate tank
behaviour in real-time operations. Also on offer are content rich geo-specific
databases; an instructor station to conduct training exercises & offer
evaluation solutions; an Interface Electronic Unit (IEU) to provide a link
between tank crew controls and simulation software; and networking, to connect
the Arjun driving and turret simulators.
The driver trainer for the Arjun is
mounted on a six Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) motion platform. It faithfully emulates
the interior cabin of the tank. There is also the Arjun turret simulator, to
replicate the interior of the gunner and commander stations. Mounted on a six
DOF motion platform, the Arjun turret simulator features a 220 degree by 40
degree open hatch visual display, to provide trainees with the high-fidelity
visual cues required for gunnery training.
Fists of Iron
Future Main Battle Tank
The quest to indigenously design and
develop a Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT) by the Defence Research and Development
Organization (DRDO), must be accorded the status of a national project, if it
is to succeed. The prize could be a minimum order of at least a thousand tanks,
to replace the Indian Army’s T-72 tanks, starting 2022.
It is more likely that the FMBT will
be ready only around 2025. DRDO will require at least a decade to have the
first examples ready for trials and then roll out production variants a few
years later. While the estimated development cost of Rs 5,000 crore might seem
large, the investment would pay itself back many times over. An order for 1000
FMBT’s would be worth Rs 50,000 crore (Rs 50 crore per piece) over two to three
decades. It would boost indigenous Tier-1 and Tier-2 industries involved in the
The FMBT at present is expected to
be a highly mobile Main Battle Tank (MBT) in the 50-55 tonne class. It would
have the latest technology, like advanced materials to keep the weight down, a smooth
bore 120 mm main gun capable of firing missiles and advanced munitions, a modern,
high powered engine (1800 hp) with state of the art transmission, suspension
and running gear. It will incorporate a high level of crew protection, through
use of next-generation Active Protection Systems (APS) to supplement its armour
protection. It will also provide a high level of situational awareness to the
crew through sensors, data links and the ability to operate in a networked
While the Army has asked CVRDE to
refrain from talking about the programme, work has already begun on the engine
development — a good sign for the programme. Interestingly, companies like Renk
and AVL have refused to provide consultancy for engine development. The
development of the 120 mm smooth bore main gun will also provide its own
challenges, in terms of design and weight. Keeping in mind the Israeli
involvement in the Arjun programme, it is very likely that Israeli companies
will play a vital role in the development of the FMBT.
CVRDE has gained considerable
experience in tank design and development with the Arjun and Arjun MK-2
upgrade. Designing a 50 tonne tank with the features demanded by the Army, will
be an extremely difficult task. However many of the parts of the FMBT are
likely to be indigenous — such as the power pack, suspension and running gear,
120 mm smooth bore main gun, explosive reactive armour (ERA) panels,
communication and data link sets. Facilities would have been set up by then for
either joint production, or license manufacture of night sights, targeting and
fire control systems etc.
‘At Present, the Army has Decided
to Induct 118 Arjun Mk-2 Tanks Instead of 124’
Director, CVRDE, Dr Sivakumar, gives us the low-down on the Arjun programme
What is
the status of the Arjun Mk-2 programme currently?

The army has said that it will
decide if it is satisfied with the Arjun Mk-2, only after the trials (which
began last month and are expected to go on for two to three months) are
completed. The Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) will require 30 months (2.5 years)
from the placement of the order, for the first batch of Arjun Mk-2 to be
delivered to the army. The Mk-2 will incorporate all that we learnt while battling
issues with the Arjun Mk-1, in terms of production, performance, quality etc.
CVRDE is working to ensure that whatever problems were faced by the Mk-1 will
not be repeated in the Mk-2. Based on the Mk-2 programme, we have formed a core
committee called the Arjun Core Committee that will monitor the progress of the
Arjun Mk-2 on a monthly basis. All the stakeholders starting from the DRDO, the
Directorate General of Quality Assurance (DGQA), the Corps of Electronics &
Mechanical Engineers (EME) and the users, are present on the committee and we
have obtained excellent support from all the stakeholders.
are the major changes in the Arjun Mk-2?
The Arjun Mk-2 will see the tank
weight increase from 62 to 67 tonnes, as a result of specific requirements from
the user — which include additions such as the track width, mine plough and
Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) on the glacis plate, as well as the front of
the turret. These two requirements alone will add three tonnes to the weight of
the Arjun Mk-1. Along with other additions, the Mk-2 is expected to top out at
67 tonnes. We decided after studying the power pack (MTU engine with RENK
transmission), that it is excellently suited for Indian desert conditions. We
have steadily made this engine and transmission more and more rugged over the
last many years, besides improving things like the air filtration system and cooling
Hence, we have
convinced the user that the same power pack, with a new final drive using a higher
reduction ratio, can be used for the Arjun Mk-2. This was proved to the Army
last year, when we drove 1350 km with the power pack modified to this standard and
simulated weights of up to 66 tonne. We converted production vehicle P-1 into
Mk-2 with 53 improvements, to obtain feedback. This tank took part in an
exercise last summer that lasted almost two weeks, with temperatures of 46
degrees. We have improved the suspension — to provide the same life to
components despite the increase in weight. To cater for this new suspension, we
have developed a new hull for the Arjun Mk-2.
The Mk-2 variant is
now capable of firing missiles, which was not possible in the Mk-1. We had
already proved the LAHAT missile as a standby. We are now integrating it on the
Mk-2. Apart from that, the Mk-2 will feature a remote controlled weapon system
atop the turret. In Mk-1, this required the loader to come out and fire the
weapon. The Mk-2 will have an improved commander’s panoramic sight with night
vision, hunter killer capability between the commander, gunner and loader. Auxiliary
Power Unit (APU) which is not present in T series tank is present. It has been
enhanced from 4.5 kW to in excess of 8 kW for the Mk-2. With regards to the
Chassis Automotive System, we have digital communication systems, advanced
navigation systems etc. We have increased the track width, to ensure that the
ground pressure remains the same in spite of the increased weight.
What is
the status of the Arjun Mk-1 at present?
The Arjun Mk-1 received orders for a total
of 124 numbers. The two regiments equipped with 45 Arjun tanks each, are the 43rd
armoured regiment and the 75th armoured regiment at Jaisalmer. The Arjun is
fully operational with these two regiments now. The balance 34 tanks will be
used to meet the Army’s BRIC requirements and these are spread across the Corps
of Electronics & Mechanical Engineers (EME), war reserve, training
establishments, DRDO/DGQA etc. Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) Avadi has
dispatched 116 Arjun Mk-1 tanks. The remaining eight tanks will be delivered
over the next five to six months.
Most of the spares for the Arjun MBT
were consumed during the various trials. We are now working to ensure
availability of fresh spares. The other part is the Engineering Support Package
(ESP) for the Arjun which includes spares, training and training aids. This is
being done in parallel. As far the Arjun Mk-1 is concerned, about 90 percent of
its tasks are complete.
Each Arjun Mk-1 costs Rs 20 crore plus.
Each Arjun Mk-2 with all improvements will cost approximately Rs 34 crore. The
Arjun Mk-1 programme cost approximately Rs 360 crores. With that money, we made
11 prototypes and 15 pre-production series tanks and the required spares. This
included the cost of creating the production line. We are looking at a number
of variants based on the Arjun platform, such as Armoured Repair and Recovery
Vehicle (ARRV) which is close to finalization. We are also looking to use the
Arjun chassis to mount a Russian 130 mm Catapult gun, which was earlier mounted
on the Vijayanta chassis. We will also be competing for the Indian Army
requirement for a self propelled, tracked gun. We will offer a Slovakian 155 mm
gun mounted on the Arjun along with Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML).
We have also built the Arjun Bridge
Laying Tank (BLT) but the Army says it may not be required. The cost per tank
will certainly go down if we get more orders. This will help reduce the import
content as well. The Mk-1 has nearly 60 percent imported content and even
though there is a lot of value addition being done, the import content will
remain the same for the Mk-2.
the size of the order is small, no foreign company is willing to offer Transfer
of Technology (ToT). I feel that if the Mk-2 is ordered by four regiments, then
the import content could go down to 43 per cent and further down to 25 per cent
if orders are placed for a total of six regiments. The lifecycle costs of the
Arjun will be much cheaper than other tanks. The programme has also been able
to offer numerous improvements to a number of indigenous programmes and
armoured vehicles in service with the army.
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