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Pravin Sawhney at the Great Wall of China |
FORCE Editor Pravin Sawhney spent a week in China at the invitation of the Chinese ministry of national defence. In Beijing and Shanghai, he met officers from PLA Army, PLA Navy and PLA Air Force, plus members of Chinese press. Here are his 10 takeaways from the visit
It took me some time to figure out who had invited me on a week-long visit to
Beijing and Shanghai. The call came from the first secretary, press section at
the Chinese embassy in New Delhi .
When told by my office that I was in Munich ,
he called me there. Extending the invitation on behalf of the All China
Journalists’ Association (ACJA), he asked me to join a group of ‘senior Indian
journalists’ to visit China .
The proposed dates did not suit me, so in less than 48 hours the Chinese
graciously altered their dates by a week.
things struck me as unusual. Why did the ACJA not invite me directly and why were
the dates changed to accommodate me? When I asked the Chinese press officer
about the programme, he spoke about the opportunity to meet with Chinese
military officials and visit defence installations. The detailed itinerary, he
said, was being worked out and would be provided on arrival in Beijing . I had never been
to China
and here I was being offered the opportunity to meet with Peoples’ Liberation
Army (PLA) officials. That I was excited is putting it mildly. I have been
working on China for years and my first book: ‘The Defence Makeover: 10 Myths that Shape India’s Image’ published
in 2001, long before the Indian government woke up to the military threat,
listed ‘China is not a military threat’ as the foremost myth successfully
perpetrated by New Delhi.
maiden visit to China
from June 17 to 22 was a success and here are my 10 takeaway observations:
Months before
the visit of Prime Minister Wen Jiabao to India in December 2010, China decided
to unilaterally announce its perception of the border, making any further
negotiations on border resolution impossible. For this reason, at the 15th
round of Special Representatives (SR) talks held in Delhi on 17 January 2012,
both sides signed the ‘Border Mechanism Framework’ for stability on the Line of
Actual Control. The two foreign offices had established formal means to keep
the border peaceful. Against this backdrop, Colonel Guo Hongtao, staff officer
of the Asian affairs bureau, foreign affairs office, Ministry of National Defence
(MND), who had participated in the Special Representatives (SR) talks on border
resolution, told me with an air of finality: “China’s border with India is
2,000km long”.
China has
indicated that its claims on the disputed border are more complex than are
understood in India. “Indian security forces have made more intrusions in 2011
into Chinese territories (disputed border) than we Chinese have made into India,”
said Major General Yao Yunzhu, director of the Centre of China-America Defence Relations,
PLA Academy of Military Sciences. She was seated next to Colonel Guo Hongtao
during the long interaction with us (visiting Indian journalists) at the Ministry
of National Defence (MND) in Beijing. In another interaction, the deputy
director general, information department, ministry of foreign affairs, Ma
Jisheng, went a step further and asserted that: “All reports (in Indian media)
of Chinese ingressions are false.”
China says
that the complex border resolution should not come in the way of overall
bilateral relations, especially trade. “As both sides have agreed to have
peaceful borders, the (Indian media) focus should not be on the border issue,”
General Yao said. In another meeting, another day, Ma Jisheng cautioned, “There
are HIGH difficulties in border resolution. I believe the issue will be resolved
with time.”
There is an
extraordinary consistency in what the PLA (MND) officials and diplomats
(ministry of foreign affairs) say on the disputed border issue. Unlike in
India, not only is the PLA authorised to speak on the politically sensitive
border issue, it has an extremely important, if not the leading role in this policy-making.
There were
repeated suggestions for the Indian media to exercise overall restraint when
talking about China so as not to impede improvements in bilateral relations.
The lead in conveying this was taken by senior editor, Zhu Shouchen, executive
secretary, member of the board of leadership, ACJA. He spoke at length about
the ‘code of conduct’ followed by the ACJA. Most of the Chinese media are
members of ACJA organised in 494 media committees under six major regional
centres, across China. Each
regional centre contributes a vice-chairman to the Board of Leadership of ACJA.
The ACJA has three tasks, namely to train journalists, teach them to abide by
the code of conduct and facilitate foreign journalists in China. Any lingering
doubts on Chinese media and journalism were cleared by senior editor, Wang Lan
of the multi-billion dollar Wen Hui group in Shanghai. The code of conduct, she
said, meant journalism with Chinese characteristics. “My media group is open to
healthy criticism of the government on health, education and science and
technology matters,” she said with a smile. Earlier, a senior editor at the
China Daily newspaper office in Beijing admitted that a government constituted
board cleared every evening what news would go into the paper.
China is conscious that as a (the) risen
power, constantly on the global radar, it needs to open up and be transparent.
This has been accentuated by an inter-dependent world shrunk further by the
information revolution. The world’s focus on China is clearly in two areas:
defence and diplomacy. China opened its State Council (council of ministers)
Information Office in 1990, established the foreign ministry’s Press Information
Office in 2001 and set-up the Ministry of National
Defence (MND) spokesperson
system in 2008. Both the state council and foreign ministry information offices
that we visited are grand buildings with posh facilities and extremely competent
staff. I was told that there are nearly 700 foreign journalists living in
Beijing alone. The daily regular press briefing (packed with foreign
journalists) that I attended could well have been at the US state department,
the only reminder that it was Beijing was the Chinese spokesperson speaking
native language through a translation gadget provided on each desk.
All the Chinese officials I spoke with
agreed that Wei qi (pronounced way chee) is the most popular
intellectual game in China as opposed to Chess in the rest of the world. More
as an afterthought, one PLA officer said that many Chinese now play both games
with equal interest and ease. At one of the official dinner banquets I
attended, another PLA official told me that in today’s world, it is difficult
to hide capabilities. What Wei qi
teaches is the art of hiding intentions, which should never be disclosed. Explained
by Henry Kissinger in his book, ‘On China’ Wei
qi is about strategic encirclement as opposed to Chess which seeks a
checkmate with head-on collision. Later, spending some time by myself in a
Shanghai popular market, I discovered that no shops kept chessboards, but Wei qi was readily available.
Kissinger provides a keen insight
into the two games in his book. ‘If Chess
is about decisive battle, Wei qi is about the protracted campaign. The Chess
player aims for total victory. The Wei qi player seeks relative advantage.
Chess teaches the Clausewitzian concepts of centre-of-gravity and the
decisive-points, the game usually beginning as a struggle for the centre of the
board. Wei qi teaches the art of strategic encirclement. Where the skilful
chess player aims to eliminate his opponent’s pieces in a series of head-on
clashes, a talented Wei qi player moves into empty spaces on the board,
gradually mitigating the strategic potential of his opponent’s pieces. Chess
produces single-mindedness; Wei qi generates strategic flexibility.’
Once we finished discussing Wei qi, I found that all of us had been
presented with two slim booklets titled ‘The
Wisdom of Sun Tzu’ and ‘The Great
Wall’ by the MND information office in a small gift bag. Sun Tzu is about China ’s
distinctive military theory which is in harmony with Wei qi. The central message of Sun Tzu, I remembered, is to develop
strategic thought that placed a premium on victory through psychological
advantage and preached avoidance of direct conflict. The Great Wall of China
suggests that China
has no expansionist designs. This was mentioned to me by a PLA officer at
another official dinner. He added that the Chinese fight in self-defence only when
their core interests are affected.
The Chinese view colonial rule, (which
started in the mid-nineteenth century with the Opium wars and ended with the arrival
of Mao’s communist China), when China was subjugated by Britain, France, Russia
and later Japan, as a period of deep humiliation. During the visit to the
National Museum in Shanghai, our guide dwelt on the humiliations depicted in a
series of paintings. But this was not the real point they wanted to drive home.
Speaking in English, the museum guide and our language interpreter compared
China and India under colonial rules. Unlike all Chinese, many Indians believe
that the colonial period had ‘many positives’ about it, they averred.
China, we were told, sees itself as
the ‘Middle Kingdom’, conveying the notion of China’s centrality in global
affairs and the importance of both national unity and the need to recover
territories, purportedly lost during the subjugation period, now called core
interest areas. Probably, this is a reason, why all Chinese officials we met during
the visit spoke only through the language interpreter, a pleasant freelancer
called Liu Non, when making official points even when they understood and spoke
good English. An added benefit of speaking through an interpreter is that the
person gets more response time to a query; this may help in thinking up a
credible rather than the real reply.
He did not stop at this and decided
to drill his point further. The PLA soldier, he boasted, can fight better with
a fourth of the food eaten by a US
soldier. And unlike the US
which dropped nuclear bombs, Chinese soldiers will fight only in self-defence. Interestingly,
the three military installations we visited — the PLAA (PLA Army) 1 armoured
regiment headquarters, the PLAAF (PLA Air Force) 24 air division outside Beijing and the PLAN (PLA Navy) Shanghai naval garrison — were new and grand
constructions. If indeed the PLA has such good defence works for its
middle-level command headquarters, it conveyed an eloquent sense of generous finances
being spent on acquisitions and capabilities.
All presentations emphasised on the PLA ‘making
progress towards “information-isation”, which it hopes to complete by 2020.’
Explained, this means total networking of all sensors, communication & reconnaissance
systems and platforms, with computers at each level. To test the waters, I casually
mentioned that Indian senior military officers (especially army officers) aren’t
comfortable using computers. Colonel Yang Yujun, the Deputy Director General of
the information office, MND was quick to tell me that senior PLA officers do
not suffer from this handicap. “All officers are comfortable with computers,”
he asserted.
However, in private, a senior PLA
officer in a lighter mood conceded that many PLA generals were also
uncomfortable with computers, in which junior and middle rank officers are
adept. If this is indeed true, will the new generation of PLA officers, which
understands equipment and ‘informationised’ operations better, have a larger
say in defence policy making as well? And will they be more assertive? I
The last thing I wondered was why had
the MND invited four Indian journalists with such dissimilar understanding of
the subject? Surely, they would have done homework on the invitees’ backgrounds?
of focussing on PLA’s perspective on various issues, a lot of time was spent by
my colleagues asking questions which could make page-one stories for newspapers
back home. For example, what do you say when an Indian journalist who’s been
covering defence for a Hindi newspaper for over three decades, asked the Shanghai
naval garrison commander what he thought of the INS Shivalik’s combat
capabilities (It had recently come port calling there). All the poor fellow
could say was “The ship was clean and tidy and I understand it has stealth
capability”. Talking through the interpreter, this ate unnecessarily into the
allocated time.
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